Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Here is the source code to the game, you will also need the X and O images. This is a very simple version of the game, nothing fancy, no menus, no nothing, just the actuall game was coded in hopes of making it easier for beginners.

#include <allegro.h>
BITMAP *xSprite;
BITMAP *oSprite;
int board[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //This will be used to keep
                                             //track of the Xs and Os
int curSquare = 0; //This will keep track of the current square
                    //the selector is on
int turn = 1; //This will keep track of whose turn it is
              //1 Will be for X and 2 for O
int x = 0; //X and Y position of selector
int y = 0;
int tempX = 0; //holds temporary values used to clear selector
int tempY = 0;
void setupBoard(){ //This function will draw in the grid
    line( screen, 200, 0, 200, 480, makecol( 255, 255, 255));
    line( screen, 400, 0, 400, 480, makecol( 255, 255, 255));
    line( screen, 0, 150, 680, 150, makecol( 255, 255, 255));
    line( screen, 0, 300, 680, 300, makecol( 255, 255, 255));
    rect( screen, x+1, y+1, x + 199, y + 149, makecol( 255, 255, 0));
void updateBoard(){ //draws in selector
    rect( screen, tempX+1, tempY+1, tempX + 199, tempY + 149, makecol( 0, 0, 0)); 
    rect( screen, x+1, y+1, x + 199, y + 149, makecol( 255, 255, 0)); 
void announceWinner(){ //Announces the winner
         if( turn == 1){
                   textout_ex( screen, font, "X Wins!!!!",  300, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol(0, 0, 0)); 
         } else {
                  textout_ex( screen, font, "O Wins!!!!",  300, 240, makecol( 255, 0, 0), makecol(0, 0, 0)); 
void checkWin(){ //checks for a winner
    if( board[0] == turn && board[1] == turn &&  board[2] == turn){
    } else if( board[0] == turn &&  board[3] == turn  && board[6] == turn){
    } else if( board[0] == turn &&  board[4] == turn  && board[8] == turn){
    } else if( board[1] == turn &&  board[4] == turn  && board[7] == turn){
    } else if( board[2] == turn &&  board[4] == turn  && board[6] == turn){
    } else if( board[2] == turn &&  board[5] == turn  && board[8] == turn){
    } else if( board[3] == turn &&  board[4] == turn  && board[5] == turn){
    } else if( board[6] == turn &&  board[7] == turn  && board[8] == turn){
void drawXO(){ //draws in the X and O
   if(turn == 1){
    draw_sprite( screen, xSprite, x, y);
    board[curSquare] = 1;
  } else if( turn == 2){
    draw_sprite( screen, oSprite, x, y);
    board[curSquare] = 2;
void moveBox(){ //takes input
    tempX = x;
    tempY = y;
    if( key[KEY_UP] && y != 0){
            y -= 150;
        curSquare -=3;
           } else if( key[KEY_DOWN] && y != 300){
            y += 150;
        curSquare +=3;
            }  else if( key[KEY_RIGHT] && x != 400){
            x += 200;
              } else if( key[KEY_LEFT] && x != 0){
            x -= 200;
             } else if( key[KEY_ENTER] && board[curSquare] == 0){
int main(){
    set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
    xSprite = load_bitmap( "x.bmp", NULL);
    oSprite = load_bitmap( "o.bmp", NULL);
        while( !key[KEY_ESC]){
    destroy_bitmap( xSprite);
    destroy_bitmap( oSprite);
    return 0;

Lets break the code down function by function.
main() runs the normal functions used to setup Allegro and the screen. It includes a call to setupBoard() which will simply draw lines to for the grid and draw in a box so the player knows what square is currently selected.

while ( !key[KEY_ESC]) is the main loop, this keeps the game running until ESC is pressed.
moveBox() takes input from the player and calls different functions depending on the key pressed. If an arrow key is pressed the x or y variable will be adjusted to get the selector to the next square and curSquare is updated so that we can easily find which part of board[] corresponds to the square the player is currently in. updateBoard() is called to simply clear out the old selector and draw in the new one.

If enter is pressed and the current square is not occupied, drawXO() is called. This function will check whose turn it is and draw in the corresponding shape ( X or O ). It then updates board[] so that the current square will be marked as being occupied by either a X or an O. Then it calls checkWin() which checks to see if someone has won, and then changes the turn variable so that the next player can go ( 1 = X's turn, 2 = O's turn).

checkWin() checks for a winner. Since drawXO() changes board[curSquare] so that it equals the current users turn, board will have 1's to represent X's and 2's to represent O's. checkWin() will check to see if there are three 1's or 2's in a row, depending on whose turn it is and call announceWinner() if there are.
announceWinner() simply checks whose turn it is (who should be the winner since the turn has not been modified by drawXO() yet) and prints out who the winner is to screen.

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